8 Symptoms You Might be Suffering From High Blood Pressure
It’s estimated that one out of every three Americans has high blood pressure. There’s no way around it. The likelihood that many people you know have high blood pressure is high, so your fears aren’t completely unfounded.
The following are eight signs that you have high blood pressure.
1. Headaches
A major sign that you’re dealing with high blood pressure is a headache. If you feel like the pain is near the top of your head, then this is likely. The ailment is putting excess pressure on the arteries around your head. This pressure causes the pain you’re dealing with. Most of the time, this type of headache feels like something is pounding around your head, maybe near your ears. You’ll want to share this feeling with your health care provider.
2. Blurry Vision
There are blood vessels and small vessels in the back of your eyes. With hypertension or high blood pressure, those vessels could be compromised. This could lead to all sorts of issues with your vision, including blurriness. It may not happen often, but it’ll happen often enough for you to notice it. Sometimes, this pressure could even lead to red eyes. That’s not only scary, but it’s telling you that you need to take action. You’ll want to consider taking a supplement for high blood pressure along with whatever your health care provider suggests if you are experiencing any of these signs that are listed.
3. Fatigue
High blood pressure affects the way your lungs and heart work. Both of these are important organs in your body. They are responsible for a lot, including giving you energy. If you’ve got hypertension or high blood pressure, you might begin to feel fatigued for no reason. Your lungs and heart are simply working too hard. You’ll want to take more naps; you’ll feel lethargic, which can be quite disruptive to your life.
4. Chest Issues
Since hypertension puts excessive pressure on your heart, this could lead to pains you can’t and shouldn’t ignore. Given enough time, this could put you in danger of a heart attack, and that could put your life in jeopardy. Those who are feeling chest pains should talk to a doctor as soon as possible. This symptom could be warning you that something worse is around the corner.
5. Nausea
The increased pressure around your head could put pressure on your brain. This could cause other symptoms, like nausea. This isn’t only uncomfortable. It’s also telling you that your hypertension might be causing other health issues in your body. Your brain isn’t meant to take excessive pressure. Something could happen to your brain; you could be in danger of having a stroke. Life has enough danger; you don’t need to take additional risks. If you’re feeling a little icky, have your blood pressure checked as soon as possible.
6. Shortness of Breath
This is another symptom you can’t ignore, which could happen to you. As you know, your lungs aren’t functioning normally nor is your heart. The combination of these issues could cause fluid retention. Your lungs aren’t supposed to accumulate fluid, which is common knowledge. This is the reason you can’t breathe underwater. Don’t ignore this problem because it puts you at risk of a heart attack, too.
7. Nose Bleeds
Remember that hypertension can cause damage to the little blood vessels behind your eyes? Well, there are little blood vessels in your nasal cavity that could also suffer damage. If the damage is severe enough, you could begin to have nose bleeds. This particular symptom doesn’t always happen, but nose bleeds aren’t normal either way. If you start to experience these, make sure you make an appointment with your doctor to find out what’s going on.
8. Nothing
As frustrating as this might sound, high blood pressure or hypertension doesn’t always cause issues that you can feel or notice. Sometimes, high blood pressure just happens. You could be living your life as if nothing is going on, but your blood pressure might be elevated. Even if you don’t think you’ve got high blood pressure, it’s important to have a doctor check regularly to make sure you’re on top of it. Finding out something is wrong early on keeps you safe and gives you time to act.
Now, you know about some of the most common symptoms linked to this health issue. If you suspect that something is wrong; you have more information to help you act accordingly.